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BioSurfaces Inc.
News & Articles
Week 18 – “Goodbye" is the Hardest Word
Hard to believe another week is coming to an end and Labor Day weekend is upon us already. Didn’t summer just start a little while ago? ...

Week 17 – Endings, New Beginnings and Progress
For BioSurfaces, August always seems to be the month of change. Besides the summer beginning to wind down (which really bums me out) and...

Week 16 – It’s All About the Connections
I have been very blessed to have made many connections throughout my life. While some people like to make connections that will only...

Week 15 – Week of NuSpun™
The title of this week’s blog pays homage to one of my favorite shows Seinfeld, in which one character named George Costanza declares...

Week 14 – When You Become the Data (In a Good Way)
Tina and I have been receiving a lot of feedback about the blog from many folks that we have run into during our typical weekly routine,...

Week 13 – Small Victories
In medical device development (and science-related fields in general such as drug development and discovering how a disease like...

Week 12 – “Progress is Our Most Important Product”
My late father-in-law Shorty (his nickname from when he was young man and not me insulting him) used to love to ask me what our most...

Week 11 – That Sweet Sound!
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. Unfortunately, it tends to fly by too quick. In a medical device-based company, this is...

Week 10 – Why Do We Need Prosthetic Grafts Anyway?
I went back this past weekend to see what I’ve covered in the previous “Spin” of the Week blogs. It is hard to believe it is already...

Week 9 – Just Another Dream
The weeks continue to fly by! Where did June go? I think I notice it more writing this blog because I can’t believe it’s that time...
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